Skincare Resolutions for the New Year

As we leave 2020 behind, we look to the new year with hope, excitement, and a drive to keep growing into the best versions of ourselves. Establishing healthy new habits can make the biggest difference. New Year’s resolutions can be applied to any part of our lives, but we’ve put together our top six skincare resolutions we want to stick to in 2021! 

1) Wear SPF. Every. Day.

If you’re not already wearing sunscreen every day, you might want to start this year. Not only does SPF protect your skin from skin cancer, but wearing it regularly will prevent dark spots, wrinkles, and other damages from forming on the skin’s outer layer. Opt for a mineral sunscreen with zinc, an ingredient that helps heal and rejuvenate the skin, and apply it as the last step in your routine to maximize the benefits of your other skincare products. And yes, you should still wear sunscreen on cold, rainy days!

Here are some of our favorite mineral sunscreens to try out:

2) Wash Your Pillowcases At Least Once A Week

Especially if you have acne-prone skin, transforming your complexion might be as simple as washing your pillowcases more regularly — dermatologists suggest at least once a week. Residual makeup, dirt, and oil can build up on your pillow quickly, so it’s important to make sure your skin can fully regenerate at night without attracting additional bacteria. Skin experts recommend staying away from highly-fragranced detergents and fabric softeners when washing these items since these chemicals can irritate the skin.

3) Embrace Minimalism

2020 taught us plenty of lessons, with one of the most prominent being gratitude. Minimalism is all about being thankful for what you have and realizing that you already have all you need. Perfect skin isn’t achieved by a bathroom stocked to the max with products. The more simple a routine, the better. Not only does a minimal routine mean less products, but is means less ingredients in those products as well. The best skincare is achieved by buying clean, simple, and ethical products. 

Here’s an example skincare regimen you can use as an outline! (of course, adjust for your skin type accordingly): 



4) Drink More Water

This skincare tip is as simple as it sounds! You should aim to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces daily — which is a rough estimate — but more is even better! Staying hydrated will keep your skin plump and can even help clear acne or diminish breakouts faster. Your water intake oftentimes has a direct correlation to your overall health, and any dermatologist will tell you to make sure you’re drinking enough water. Most drinks without caffeine and sugar qualify as part of your daily water intake, but always check with your doctor or drink plain water if you are unsure! Here’s a tool to help calculate your current hydration and what you should be aiming for.

5) Focus on Sleep and Stress Levels

Your skin will reflect how you take care of yourself and your mental health. Always try to sleep eight or more hours per night, and stick to a strict sleep schedule! As mentioned before, sleep is the time when your body regenerates, so making sleep a priority in your schedule is key. Getting the proper amount of sleep will help lower stress levels as well, which are also directly correlated to your skin’s appearance. Taking time to work on yourself daily while making sure you’re sleeping an adequate amount will keep your skin happy! Always remember, it’s okay
(and encouraged) to see a therapist to improve your mental well-being and help you sleep better at night.

6) Practice Clean Eating

Diet is so important in overall health and skin appearance, and making sure your diet is nutrient-rich will allow you and your skin to feel healthier. Clean eating looks different for everyone and doesn’t have to be restrictive. Find healthier substitutes wherever possible, such as replacing dairy products with almond or oat milk. You’ll see — and feel — a difference in your skin over time. If you have any questions on how to clean your palette in the way that’s best for you, do your research or consult a dietician for the best results!

We hope 2021 will be a much brighter year for everyone, and we hope these skincare resolutions will help you glow from the inside out!