Relieve Your Stress

With midterms fast approaching, those all-night study sessions, last-minute essay rewrites, intense caffeine intake, and a ridiculous amount of screen time may take a hit on both your mental and physical health. Those good grades might be worth it, but here are some go-to practices to keep your youthful glow and keep those fine lines at bay during a stressful week:

Facial Massages


Facial massages, or facial yoga, is often used as an alternative to botox and has many benefits. Many people who have incorporated an at-home facial yoga routine have seen a reduction of fine lines and puffiness. Experts have found that facial exercises aid in lymphatic drainage, firming skin, and wrinkle prevention, and it can also help with headache relief and jaw tension. 

After applying facial oil or serums during your skincare routine, you can set aside one to two minutes to reap the benefits of facial exercises. Follow along to videos or diagrams showing how to target key areas and exercise unused facial muscles. Instagram accounts like @allyoucanface or @facesculptlabs offer content that is easy and fun to follow along to.;

Get Active!

Redirecting your stress into an active outlet will get your blood pumping and will rid your system of any nerves you have accumulated throughout the week. While perfecting your favorite Tik Tok routine totally counts, apps like FitOn and trendy short term workout plans via YouTube (like the viral Chloe Ting 2 week-shred) might also be worth throwing into the mix. YouTube workouts are a fun way to spice up your regular exercise regime with no human contact required - perfect for our new socially-distant lifestyle. Extending that variation to your daily routine by incorporating yoga through apps like FitOn or Yoga For Beginners, and YouTubers like Yoga With Adriene, can help channel that nervous energy and encourage mindfulness.

Center Yourself


Taking moments to center yourself and get away from back-to-back zoom calls can also be alleviated by utilizing mindfulness exercises. Just setting aside your phone or computer may make the biggest difference. Apps like Calm or Headspace, (an altered version of Headspace can also be found on Netflix) can help guide you through meditation and mindfulness exercises. My personal favorite is taking a long walk after I finish my classes with no music or podcasts. I take this time to focus on what’s around me, and sometimes using a five-senses exercise (i.e. five things I see, four things I feel, three things I hear, two things I smell, one thing I taste) can help with staying present from the comfort of my desk. Another tip that will change your life is to cut off social media thirty minutes before you sleep. Try reading instead, and I promise nothing will reduce those dark circles under your eyes than a good night of sleep (other than a bit of color corrector and concealer)! Also, getting some good shut-eye will make you more energetic and focused as you chase that 4.0. 

Stay Organized

Nothing is better than not having to worry about forgetting an assignment or the billion other little things you need to do as a college student. Organizing and planning will save you from suffering with any additional stress. Utilizing platforms like Notion, an app that helps you organize and plan ahead for every aspect of your life, will make your organizational dreams come true! A messy mind leads to a messy life, so committing to planning ahead will make your life a lot easier. 

We know midterms can bring up many unwanted emotions, but finding time for yourself and reminding your body and mind that you will be okay is the key to any of life’s hardships. So go ahead, relieve your stress!

Graphics by: Shayla Hadziahmetovic

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